Day Trips
Experience the power of the mighty Storforsen or take in the beauty of Trollforsen. These half/full day trips offer a unique experience and allows you to get up close and feel the power of nature. All tours include some hiking/snowshoeing and fika by the fire. On day trips, time is set aside to explore on your own or relax and take in the surroundings.
Season: Year round
Requirements: Low - moderate level of fitness
Duration, Departure Times & Price: See options below as these will vary
Group Sizes:
Minimum 4
Enquire for larger groups and special events
What’s included:
Snowshoes if necessary
Safety briefing and equipment
Swedish fika
Lots of fun!
Additional Option: Meal cooked over an open fire +285 per person
Extras for rent:
Winter overalls 200 SEK
Winter boots 100 SEK
Overalls and Boots 250 SEK
“We owe an unforgettable trip to the Storforsen and the BBQ afterwards to Ken”
-Janette S. - Germany